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Student cannot login to the OARS Site using an iPad
Last Updated 7 years ago

Please check Cookies are allowed in Safari on iPad

This guide will step you through the process of configuring Cookies in Safari on iPad.
The screenshots are taken with iOS 7, however these instructions are the same for other versions of Safari on iOS.

  1. Tap the "Settings" icon on the home screen

    Return to the Home Screen by pressing the round button underneath the screen. You will see the grid of icons. Then, find the "Settings" icon and tap on it.
    Screenshot showing the Settings icon on the Home screen
  2. Scroll the Settings sidebar until you can see the Safari icon

    The Settings app doesn't show the Safari icon on the side bar by default, so it's necessary to slide it a bit until you can see it.
    Screenshot showing the top part of the Settings app
  3. Tap the "Safari" menu option

    The right side of the screen will change to show you the various settings options available for Safari.
    Screenshot showing what happens when you tap the Safari menu item
  4. Find the "Block Cookies" setting

    You will now see a number of settings for Safari displayed on the right. Scroll down until you see the "Block Cookies" item. Tap on it.
    Screenshot showing what happens when you tap the Safari menu item
  5. Choose your preferred Cookies setting

    You are now presented with four options for your Cookies preference.
    Screenshot showing what happens when you tap the Safari menu item
    "Always Block" and "Always Allow" are pretty straight forward - you can either universally allow or block sites from putting cookies on your iPad.
    The other two options are a little more complex. In a sense, they both relate to allowing or blocking "third-party cookies", although the distinction between the two given choices is fairly subtle.
    Referring to Apple's Help Documentation on the matter seems to indicate that the "Allow from Current Website Only" choice means strictly that only the website you are viewing is allowed to set cookies on your iPad.
    "Allow from Websites I visit". Ok this one's complicated: Say there's a website that you normally visit, but you're not on that website right now, you're on another website, but that website has embedded content from the first website. With this setting, that content will be allowed to set and read cookies on your computer.
    In other words, say you normally visit YouTube, but you're not on YouTube right now, you're reading someone's blog. And they've embedded a YouTube video in one of their posts. With this setting, because you normally visit YouTube (even though you're not on it right now) YouTube is permitted to create and read cookies at that point.
    This is the default setting and is slightly more permissive than the other "Allow from Current Website Only" setting.

    You need to pick which option you want to enable. The default "Allow from Current Website Only" is probably fine for most needs. If you're a little more cautious but still want most websites to work, you might select "Allow from Current Website Only".
  6. You have configured your Cookies settings

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